What’s Up With Neil Gorsuch’s Hatred Of An Enforceable Ethics Code For The Supreme Court?
No mere ethics code can bind Neil!
No mere ethics code can bind Neil!
He's full on delusional about the current Court.
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How hard is it to run a research query?
I wonder how many circuit judges had slave-owning ancestors.
Neil Gorsuch is getting sick and tired of the Supreme Court screwing over Indians, but at least the majority ignored Clarence Thomas.
Can't be more dangerous than the schools SCOTUS is willing to send them to.
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Is what he said stupid? Yes. But let's be technical here.
* Neil Gorsuch brands COVID-19 health edicts possibly "the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country." While some might remind him about slavery and segregation, I'm not sure we should be giving him any ideas. [USA Today] * Mike McKool leaves McKool Smith. Remember Garfield Minus Garfield? It's like that. [Reuters] * Judge rejects candy company's motion to dismiss in case of man trapped inside hardened chocolate for hours. Willy Wonka declined comment. [Legal Intelligencer] * Nancy Abudu confirmed to the Eleventh Circuit and all it took was a staggering 495 days or so. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution] * Justice Stevens working papers released. One gem involves Scalia chiding dissenters for worrying about damaging the Court's legitimacy. That tracks. [ABA Journal] * As part of broader efforts to diversify the ranks of special masters, some argue for rethinking the language of "master" itself. [Law.com] * Kari Lake's election challenge going about as well as her election did. [Courthouse News Service]
To borrow from Supreme Court history, 'John Roberts has made his decision; now let him figure out how to pay for it!'
This is not how judicial ethics is supposed to work.
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* Which Supreme Court justice sold a nearly $2 million property to the head of Greenberg Traurig and then left the identity of the purchaser blank on the disclosure form? [Politico] * Donald Trump's rape trial begins today. Here's a short primer. [Reuters] * But if criminal law is more your fancy, Fulton County DA Fani Willis provided a July 11 timeline for criminal charges in Georgia election interference suit. [Law360] * The legal industry is in desperate need of more financial regulation lawyers. After a couple bank failures, we should probably be more concerned about having more financial regulations first, but I digress. [The Recorder] * Financial regulation lawyers who can help the heads of failed banks avoid turning over their multimillion dollar compensation packages. [Bloomberg Law News] * University of Arizona College of Law moves back to online learning in response to investigation of "possible threat." [KGUN]
The most disturbing part is when you wonder about WHY they didn't get any liberal backup.
What does the Supreme Court need with legitimacy anyway?
This should be game over for this legally bankrupt theory.
Just making stuff up right and right.